Web Developer, Open Source Software Enthusiast, Coffee Roaster, Sports Fanatic and Writer

This site

  • Posted: Tue Sep 08 2015 07:15:27 GMT-0500 (CDT)
  • Updated: Tue Sep 08 2015 13:08:52 GMT-0500 (CDT)


It's pretty pointless to have the "Go to Project" and "Preview Project" buttons for this listing. Obviously, you've already chosen to "Go to Project", and "Preview Project" opens a modal with the site in an iframe (which, in this case, would be like the "dream within a dream" of Inception).



A static resume, portfolio, and blog site generated by Assemble (also generates a DOCX version of the resume), with AJAX comments powered by jQuery and Google Forms/Sheets.

Originally a WordPress site, I decided to move to a static site on the belief that server-side application logic (PHP) and a relational database backend (MySQL/MariaDB/Percona/etc.) were overkill for a simple resume and portfolio site. Having just used Assemble for a functional mockup, I was starting to really appreciate the simplicity of Markdown for writing, as opposed to the many "gotchas" of even the simplest web-based WYSIWYGs found in CMSes. Assemble's "collections" feature makes it extremely easy to create separate listing pages for various posts/taxonomies/etc, and I've found Handlebars templating to be a much more effective way of implementing layouts.

In lieu of PHP- and database-backed comments for the blog, I implemented an AJAX form submission POST to a Google Form, and AJAX display of approved comments from its Google Sheets back-end. See how I implemented this here.

Multi-format Resume

I've been searching for an easy way to create both my resume page and the Word version I send to recruiters/hiring managers, using a single source for both outputs. Given my new affinity for Markdown, I decided to see if I could use that as the source. I briefly considered the DITA Open Toolkit, having recently worked with it at Dell, but Markdown makes for a MUCH more enjoyable writing experience than XML (especially when the latter has to be coupled with XSLT to generate the output formats).

Enter Pandoc, a wonderful little commandline utility for conversion to and from multiple document formats; Since I'm already using the terminal to build my site (via the grunt command), though, I wanted to avoid needing to remember to issue two separate commands: Enter grunt-panda, a Grunt interface to Pandoc which allows me to script generation of the Word version of my resume within my existing Assemble Gruntfile.js. It handles building said Word document, while Assemble builds the HTML (with the help of Handlebars templates, and the Sass CSS preprocessor).

A tutorial on my multi-format resume builder can be found here.

As of right now, just something I cobbled together for the favicon, in about a minute, using Inkscape.